VW CAN and LIN (PQ plattform)

Note that the messaging scheme for PQ vs. MQB vs. MLB (Audi only) are entirely different. Following are the VW version definitions for the different CAN-matrix (as VW names its CAN-version).

  • PQ: CAN matrix v4.5.x (4.x ?)
  • MQB: CAN matrix v5.x
  • MLB: CAN matrix v6.x

CAN bus

VW uses 11bit identifiers in broadcast-manner, 29bit are used for diagnostic/ISO-traffic but that is (obviously) only seen when sniffing CAN bus during a diagnostic session.

Not all bus are present in all PQ cars. Passat B6 for example only has CAN powertrain + diagnosis. Passat B7 has powertrain, infotainment, comfort, cluster, infotainment mandatory.

CAN bus requires 120Ohm termination on either side of the distributed CAN. VW does use following terminations:

CANspeedtermination 1termination 2
AFS private100 kBit/sAFS: 66OhmAFS module left & right (both 2.6kOhm)
powertrain / Antrieb500 kBit/sECU / Motorsteuergerät: 66OhmACC (3C0-radars, LIDAR), AFS, Airbag, ESP/ABS, DCC, PDC/PLA, EPS/Lenkung, CAN-Gateway, TCU/Getriebe, LWS/Lenkwinkelsensor, GearSelector/Wählhebel, Haldex:
all 2.6kOhm
EPB (if not on private CAN with ABS)
diagnosis500 kBit/sCAN-Gateway: 66OhmOBD-II connector
infotainment100 kBit/sCIB/car interface box, CAN-Gateway, Radio&Navigation, phone, SHZ/Standheizung:
all 560Ohm
compass, MDI/mobile device interface, rearset audio, TV-Tuner, soundsystem:
all 5.6kOhm
cluster / Kombiinstrument500 kBit/sCAN-Gateway: 66Ohmcluster: 2.6kOhm
comfort100 kBit/sBCM, CAN-Gateway, clima: 560Ohm
driver-door, passenger-door: 1kOhm
trailer, Multifunktionssteuergerät, SMLS/steering column electronics, memory driver seat:
all 5.6kOhm
EPB private / parking break 500 kBit/sEPBABS/ESP (not MK60EC1)
SWA / side assist private500 kBit/sside assist masterside assist slave
extended500 kBit/s? CAN-Gateway ?
probably 66Ohm ?
MFK/multifunctional camera, SWA/side assist, ACC (post 3C0-radars like 3AA, 7N0)

“private” indicates a private CAN between control units. Private means that the CAN is not routed to the CAN-Gateway.

some abbreviations are more German than others:

  • AFS = Advanced Frontlight System
  • DCC = Dynamic Chassis Control
  • TCU = Transmission Control Unit = GSG = Getriebesteuergerät
  • LWS = Lenkwinkelsensor = steering angle sensor
  • BCM = Body Control Module = BSG = Bordnetzsteuergerät
  • SMLS = Schaltermodul Lenksäule = steering column electronics
  • EPS = Electronic Power Steering
  • SWA = Spurwechselassistent = lane change assist
  • EPB = Electronic Parking Brake = elektronische Parkbremse

LIN bus

speed 19,2 kBit/s

BCM-LIN / BSG-LINRLS/rain-&lightsensor, front wiper
Tür-LIN / doorback doors
SMLS-LIN / steering wheel electronicsMFL/MFSW multifunctional steering wheel
DWA-LIN / alarmalarm horn, sensors overhead (?)
Dach-LIN / roof

Higher level protocols


DDP (probably not used in PQ, clusters with red color dot matrix display)


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